The Banal

The Creation and Role of the Banal: The Dragons’ Secret Weapons

In the dark world “The Songreaver’s Tale,” the enigmatic race known as the Banal, or “Manlings” as termed by their dragon creators, play a crucial role in the ancient conflict between dragons and humans. These beings, meticulously crafted by the dragons, serve as spies and infiltrators, blurring the lines between ally and enemy in a world fraught with deception and magic.

The Genesis of the Banal

The Banal were conceived in the minds of ancient dragons who sought to turn the tide of their war against humanity. Recognizing the need for subtlety and infiltration, the dragons embarked on a project to create beings that could seamlessly blend into human society. These creations were not merely imitations of humans but were endowed with unique abilities that made them perfect for espionage.

The Craft of Creation

The dragons, masters of forging and shaping life itself, used their songs of creation to call the Banal into existence. Each Banal was shaped from the very elements of the earth, infused with dragonsong to grant them enhanced abilities and longevity. This process imbued them with a semblance of humanity, enough to pass undetected among human populations, yet retained enough dragon essence to ensure unwavering loyalty to their creators.

Features and Abilities

Banal are designed to be nearly indistinguishable from humans. Their appearance, mannerisms, and even their ability to mimic human emotions are crafted to perfection. However, their dragon-forged hearts and blood grant them several advantages:

  • Longevity and Resilience: Banal possess lifespans far exceeding that of ordinary humans, along with enhanced physical resilience.
  • Adaptive Physiology: They can endure extreme conditions and recover from injuries that would be fatal to humans.
  • Mental Conditioning: Dragons imbued the Banal with a powerful form of mental conditioning, ensuring their loyalty and ability to carry out complex espionage tasks without succumbing to human weaknesses.
  • Memory Erasure: One of the most unique and unsettling abilities of the Banal is their power to erase themselves from others’ memories. This strange capability allows them to hide their existence and actions, making it nearly impossible for anyone to recall their presence after an encounter. This ensures their missions remain covert and their identities concealed.

Role as Spies

The primary purpose of the Banal is to serve as spies within human society. Their missions are varied and complex, ranging from gathering intelligence to sowing discord among human factions. The Banal’s ability to blend in, coupled with their loyalty to the dragons, makes them invaluable assets in the war against humanity.

  • Infiltration: Banal are placed within key positions in human cities and organizations, allowing them to gather crucial intelligence and relay it back to their dragon masters.
  • Manipulation: They are skilled manipulators, capable of influencing human decisions and actions to favor the dragons’ strategies.
  • Sabotage: When necessary, Banal can carry out acts of sabotage, disrupting human plans and operations from within.

The Inner Conflict

Despite their creation and conditioning, some Banal experience a profound inner conflict. Torn between their dragon-forged loyalty and the human emotions they were designed to mimic, they face a poignant battle between duty and desire.

This internal turmoil highlights the complexities of the Banal’s existence. Created to be perfect spies, they are nonetheless capable of developing genuine feelings and attachments, leading to moments of betrayal and rebellion against their creators.


The Banal, or Manlings, are a testament to the dragons’ ingenuity and strategic prowess in “The Songreaver’s Tale.” Their creation and use as spies underscore the lengths to which the dragons will go to achieve their aims. As beings caught between two worlds, the Banal’s existence raises intriguing questions about loyalty, identity, and the true cost of war.

Discover More in “The Songreaver’s Tale” Series

Sneak deeper into the world of “The Songreaver’s Tale” series by Andrew Hunter. Join Garrett and his crew of strange companions on their quest through the haunted streets of Wythr, where few things are as simple as they seem.